The Parochial Church Council

consists of the Vicar and a number of lay members. The functions of the parochial church council includes co-operation with the Vicar in promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical.

There is an annual church meeting at which two churchwardens are elected each year. Every three years representatives of the parish on the Deanery Synod are elected. They are all automatically members of the PCC as well. The annual meeting also elects other elected members of the PCC. The PCC can also co-opt other members.

More information about the membership of the PCC and the election of the various members can be found here.

The current membership of the PCC is:

  • The Vicar
    • VACANT
  • Churchwardens:
    • Clive Pendrell
    • Dorothy Steel
  • Deanery Synod Representatives:
    • Geoffrey Dann (PCC Secretary)
    • Clive Pendrell
    • Dorothy Steel
  • Elected members
    • Anthony Ainsworth
    • Iain Coleman
    • Milly Colin-Stokes
    • Henry Ibberson
    • Philip Sims (PCC Chairman)
    • Alan Smith
    • Graham Tritton (PCC Treasurer)
    • Tracey Williams

Contact details for the officers are on the contacts page.

Pattingham and Patshull PCC is Registered Charity No: 1151604.

Photographs of PCC members are here.

Articles from the “PCC Member of the Month” series in the Parish News can be found here.

News of the what the PCC is doing is in PCC Snippets.

There is a website primarily for PCC members, some of which may be of wider interest.