Services for Children

We hold a Family Service, which is followed by a Eucharist for those who wish to stay, on the first and fifth Sundays of the month. This service, which we hope attracts younger family groups, is led by different ‘Teams’ on a rota basis.
Sunday School is held on the second Sunday of the month.
On the third Sunday of the month the Youth Service is led by young people. It is followed by a Eucharist for those who wish to stay.
Holiday Club is held in August and Messy Church takes place from time to time.
Christingle Service

In December there is a Christingle Service. This special service, which takes place just before Christmas is an ancient Moravian custom (first held on Christmas Day in 1747) which celebrates the coming of Christmas – families gather together at their local Church and the children are given Christingles.

The Christingle…
The orange represents the World and God’s creation – fruits and sweets on the four cocktail sticks remind us of the seasons of the Earth – the red ribbon represents the Blood of Christ and God’s love for us in the death and resurrection of Jesus – and the candle represents God’s love in sending Jesus “the light of the World” to be with us always.
The Children’s Society introduced the Christingle into the Church of England in 1968.

Easter Garden

The Easter Garden is built in St Chad’s Church on Good Friday by the children of Pattingham.
They constructed the Tomb, stone by stone and brought flowers in the colours of red, purple white and blue, the colours of mourning.
At the side of the Tomb is the herb, rosemary for Remembrance. On the Green Hill are three crosses, one for Jesus and two for the thieves.
On Easter Day, the stone is rolled away from the Tomb and bright yellow flowers are placed in the Garden – a sign of celebration.
A white Easter lily stands behind the green hill to symbolise the risen Lord.
The Lord is risen…Alleluia
Photography by Mike Coope