Century Club monthly draws are held on the last Monday of each month
The 100 Club was formed in 2002 with a view to raising funds to support the work of the Church in Pattingham. Since then it has raised about £35,000 for church funds.
As the name implies we have 100 members each paying £60 per year (which is £5 per month over a twelve month period). Each member has their own unique membership number. On the last Monday of every month a draw takes place; the person with the winning number receives £150, second prize is £100 and third prize is £50.
Annual subscriptions are due on 1st December.
The Century Club generates income of £6,000 per annum and after paying out £3,600 in prize money retains £2,400 per annum for church funds.
After the February 2020 draw the Century Club draws were suspended due to the Coronavirus pandemic and subscriptions were frozen. The draws resumed on Monday 27th July 2020. Annual subscriptions were then due on 1st December rather than 1st August to take account of the four month hiatus.
If you would like to join the Century Club at a cost of £60 per year or for any further information please contact Alan Smith on 07757 688518 or by email at
The draws are held on the last Monday of each month.
The winners of the August Century Club draw were:
- 1st Prize – £150
- Jill Baker – ball 6
- 2nd Prize – £100
- Paul Bywater – ball 23
- 3rd Prize – £50
- Terry Clayton – ball 39
The winners of the July Century Club draw were:
- 1st Prize – £150
- Vicky Clayton – ball 46
- 2nd Prize – £100
- Elizabeth Gosling – ball 59
- 3rd Prize – £50
- Nick Brevitt – ball 61
The winners of the June Century Club draw were:
- 1st Prize – £150
- Sue Penny – ball 65
- 2nd Prize – £100
- Geoffrey Dann – ball 64
- 3rd Prize – £50
- Susan Holloway – ball 87