
The church has a number of means of communication with church members and others which include this Parish News magazine, this website, Facebook, notice boards and the weekly pewsheet.

To complement those we produce a regular bulletin which is sent by email to those who request it. It is normally be sent once a week but there may be additional issues when necessary. This will make it easy for those who have email to know what is happening in the church community. If you would like to receive these emailed bulletins please complete this form or send an email to .

To sign up to ChadNet please complete this form or send an email to .

We normally send the regular eBulletin once a week but if there is something important or urgent we will send an additional one.

In accordance with our privacy policy we will not share your email address with anyone else and will only use it for this purpose unless you have agreed to its use for other purposes.

Previous issues are available on this website