ChadNet – no 112 – Sunday 15th May 2022
Welcome to this week’s edition of ChadNet – the eBulletin of St Chad’s Church, Pattingham with Patshull.
In this week’s ChadNet:
- View from the Pews – Henry Ibberson
- Sunday 15th May – Fifth Sunday of Easter
- This week
- Sunday 22nd May – Rogation Sunday – Sixth Sunday of Easter
- Taking Sides – last performance today (Saturday)
- Annual Church Meeting
- Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – 2nd to 5th June
- From the Memorial Book
- Resources to use at home
- Giving to the Church
We are returning to something closer to normal.
It is up to each individual to decide whether or not they should wear a face covering in church.
The church doors will remain closed during services to help to keep the church warm.
In the pews by the wall of the South Aisle we will continue to ask that social distancing be maintained so that those who wish to maintain social distancing can do so.
Do not attend church if you have any covid symptoms or are meant to be isolating.
View from the Pews
Next Sunday 22nd May is Rogation Sunday which, as many will already know, is always the 6th Sunday of Easter – a time when traditionally parishioners, led by the Minister or a Churchwarden, would “beat the bounds” by proceeding around the boundary of their parish and pray for its protection in the forthcoming year, blessing the crops at the same time. This was also known in the northern parts of England as ‘Gang-day’ or ‘gan week’, after the old English name for going or walking.
Well, that is precisely what we are “gannin” to do next Sunday afternoon! This will be the first time we have been able to do so since 2019, when, with kind permission from the Mercer family, we will be able to “beat the bounds” falling within the central part of the Patshull Estate, walking through areas which have not before been open to the public. The bluebells have been magnificent, and we really hope that they will last just another week. It should be a stunning and stimulating walk of around 3.5 miles, on mainly level paths and tracks, ending up at around 4.00pm at St Mary’s Church Patshull where, following some light refreshment, we shall have our Rogation Service at 4.30pm.
There are one or two complications arising from the fact that the Estate has to remain with gates locked after our passage through them and, with no electricity at St Mary’s, we are rethinking the provision of refreshments and may suggest that those of you who are walking might like to bring something with you, likewise those not wishing to walk but who will be coming to the service should do the same. There will be some hot water available in flasks for making your own drinks if you wish when you arrive. Information about the actual arrangements for refreshments will be in next week’s ChadNet.
Walkers will leave from outside the St Chad’s Church South door at 2.00pm and those wishing to join the walkers at St Mary’s are requested to be at the Church lychgate by 3.30pm, when we shall travel in convoy down the Patshull Road to enter the Estate by the main gate, formerly the entrance to the Hotel & Golf Club. Any cyclists who wish to join the convoy should be at the main gate by 3.35 pm.
It promises to be an extremely enjoyable afternoon, allowing us the opportunity to offer our grateful thanks for the beauty, peace and tranquility with which we are surrounded, but also to reflect upon and earnestly pray for those for whom life is anything but tranquil; those whose countryside has been destroyed alongside the ruin of their homes; those whose families are no more; those who have lost everyone and everything they hold dear; those who are painful witnesses to the utter futility of war.
We continue to pray for them and all those dedicating themselves to their support and seeking to alleviate their suffering.
Henry Ibberson
Would you like to write a View from the Pews?
We welcome contributions for View from the Pews from anyone who would like to write one, It does not need to be on any particular subject. If you would like to write one please send it to or contact Henry Ibberson ( / 01902 701136).
We do not have a VIcar at the moment. For matters which would normally be dealt with by the Vicar the churchwardens are the first point of contact. The Vicarage phone (01902 700257) is redirected to the churchwardens. When they are not available a message can be left on the voicemail and they will return the call when they are available. Emails to will be received by the churchwardens.
Contact details for church officers can be found on the Contacts page of the church website. You can use if you are nore sure who to contact and the churchwardens will be able to forward it to the correct person.
Notices, which should be received by Friday evening for inclusion in that week’s ChadNet, and other communications in relation to ChadNet should be sent to Articles for the magazine should be sent to (note – this is different to the address used before November 2020 which no longer works).
Notices, which should be received by Friday evening for inclusion in that week’s ChadNet, and other communications in relation to ChadNet should be sent to
Articles for the magazine should be sent to (note – this is different to the address used before November 2020 which no longer works).
Sunday 15th May – Fifth Sunday of Easter
At 10 am there will be a service led by the Youth Group in church. At the end of that part of the service there will be a break for coffee, tea and biscuits after which the service will resume with a service of Holy Communion, led by Revd Anne Furness, for those who wish to stay.
This week
The church will be open every day. Look out for the “church open” sign outside the porch.
Monday is the copy date for the June magazine. Send articles to Mike Moss at
On Tuesday visiting bellringers will be ringing the bells between 11.00 am and 12.15 pm.
On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Prayers for Peace will be said in church at 6 pm. If you would like to join the team of people who take turns to lead the Prayers for Peace please contact Mary Hayward ().
On Wednesday there will be a service of Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer, led by Revd James Makepeace, in church at 10.00 am which will be followed by tea, coffee and cake.
Sunday Sunday 22nd May – Rogation Sunday – Sixth Sunday of Easter
At 10 am there will be aservice of Holy Communion, led by Revd Philip Wootton, in church. Coffee (and tea and biscuits) will be available after the service.
At 2 pm the traditional Rogation Sunday Walk will leave from St Chad’s Church. After a walk of about 3.5 miles the walkers will arrive at St Mary’s Church, Patshull in time for refreshments before the service.
At 4.30 pm there will be a Rogation Sunday Service at St Mary’s Church, Patshull, which will be led by Iain Coleman. We are hoping that refreshments will be served before the service. Those who are able to help with refreshments are asked to contact Gena (on 01902 700188) as soon as possible. Details of the arrangements for access are set out in Henry’s View from the Pews above. Information about the actual arrangements for refreshments will be in next week’s ChadNet.
There will be no evening service at St Chad’s.
Taking Sides
PATTINGHAM DRAMA GROUP’S PRODUCTION OF “TAKING SIDES” by Ronald Harwood ends its run today (Saturday 14th May). This is your last chance to watch a performance that has received rave reviews from everyone who has seen it so far this week.
For an alternative to an evening of Eurovision call 01902 700340 to book your seat – you won’t regret it.
Annual Church Meeting
The Annual Church Meeting was held last Sunday.
Clive Pendrell and Dorothy Steel were re-elected as Churchwardens.
Tracey Williams was elected as a new member of the PCC. All existing members of the PCC are continuing.
The Annual Report and Financial Statements and other reports are still on the church website (at together with a brief 2 page financial summary. There may still be some copies at the back of the church.
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Pattingham celebrates the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 1952 – 2022
Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th June
There are various events on each of the days. Details are in the the programme of events which has been distributed to all homes in the parish. Copies are available in church and elsewhere in the village. Details of the events are also on the church website (
On Sunday 5th June at 10 am there will be a Platinum Jubilee Thanksgiving Service in church. All are welcome. At 6.30 pm there will be an Evening Communion Service for Pentecost.
From the Memorial Book
Those whose anniversaries occur between 8th and 22nd May.
Donald Victor Newill – 8th May 1995
Lilian Graham – 10th May 2002
Ernest Brian Lindley – 10th May 2003
Paul James Claxton – 10th May 2008
Jennifer Jane Nicholson – 10th May 2017
John Weaver – 11th May 2001
George Williamson – 12th May 1995
Neville Jeffrey Dulson – 13th May 1962
Ada Caddick Booth – 13th May 1977
Margaret Crowther Reynolds – 13th May 1986
Pamela Ann Stephens – 13th May 2017
Violet Hughes – 14th May 1977
Edna Mary Beagle – 14th May 1999
Edwin Harold Woodroffe – 14th May 2013
George Albert Elliott – 17th May 1996
Catherine Isabel Harrison – 17th May 2010
Ernest Parton – 18th May 2020
Bert Nicholls – 20th May 1996
Kenneth Charles Ray – 20th May 2020
Barrie James Gatt – 21st May 1997
Sylvia Gwenythe Giles – 21st May 2020
Olive Dora Williams – 22nd May 1982
Kathleen Mary Russell – 22nd May 2003
Peter Wood – 22nd May 2016
You can see all the pages of the Memorial Book on the Memorial Book Online page of the Church website.
Resources for worship and prayer at home
Some of resources which can be used at home are listed on the Resources Available Online and the Resources Available for Children, Young People and Families pages of the website.
For those who are unable to attend church there are still a number of services which are available online, including a weekly service on the Church of England website.
Giving to the church
Details of the various ways in which you can give can be found on the Giving page of the website.
We have a JustGiving page to enable people to make one off donations. It’s at You will be asked if you want to make a contribution on top of your donation. If you do it will go to JustGiving and not to charity. If you do not want to make such a contribution select “other”. If you are a taxpayer please consider gift aiding your donation.
You can make a bank transfer to our bank account (Account name: Pattingham Parochial Church Council – Sort Code: 20-97-78 Account No: 50655023).
If you are paying by cheque please make the cheque payable to “Pattingham PCC” or “Pattingham Parochial Church Council“.
This bulletin is sent to those who have requested it. We now have 109 subscribers but there may still be some people who are not aware of it and would wish to receive it. The weekly bulletin for each Sunday will normally be sent on the preceding Friday or Saturday. Additional bulletins may be sent if required. It is only being sent to those who have requested it.
If you know of anyone who might be interested please tell them about it and ask them to sign up using the form on the website ( or by email to
St Chad’s Church, Pattingham with Patshull Registered charity no 1151604