ChadNet – no 126

ChadNet – no 126 – Sunday 21st August 2022

ChadNet - the eBulletin of St Chad's Church, Pattingham
        with Patshull

Welcome to this week’s edition of ChadNet – the eBulletin of St Chad’s Church, Pattingham with Patshull.

In this week’s ChadNet:

View from the Pews

Jill Parker

Many of you might know I volunteer in the Chaplaincy at a local prison which holds up to 2,500 men all who have been convicted and are serving imprisonment from months to life. I’m often asked ‘why do that’? They have committed crime and should be locked up and left there’. There are misconceptions about prisoners, some have mental health problems, many are drug addicts, have dropped out of society  but all are human beings. Some are  illiterate but many are highly educated, some have partners and children, parents and friends but others have nobody ‘on the outside’.

Within twenty four hours of being admitted all the men are seen by a member of the multi faith Chaplaincy Team and if they have any religious faith this is noted on their records. They are told of services, study groups and how to access the Chaplaincy and provided with anything they require to practice their Faith e.g, Prayer Mats for Muslims, bibles.

Prisons can be places of great pain. They contain large numbers of troubled individuals living together in close proximity who have lost their freedom. Jonathon Aitkin who became ordained and is now a C of E Chaplain at Pentonville described when he visited the prison  waking up and being served breakfast by his butler, being sentenced for perjury at the Old Bailey, taken to prison, stripped of all his belongings and locked up in a cell.From being a Cabinet Minister to a number. Often prison is a place of opportunity, a place where the basics are provided but also a place to give time to reflect, opportunities to learn new skills, develop or experience Faith, not live in fear or resort to physical violence to get themselves heard but sadly drugs are rife. He saw a new perspective on life, studied the bible, found Faith & now dedicates his life to prisoners.

Crime is more than just breaking the law but has victims and an impact on society. Is locking people up the answer? As a society do we owe it to ourselves to balance the need of victims, allow the offender to face up to their crime but to, if possible, reintegrate the offender back into society?

This morning Martin and I have been to a C of E Communion Service in a full Chapel where men and six other visitors have joined together to worship. As we all say the Lord’s Prayer we ask ‘ forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us‘.

Martin Luther King said ‘He who is devoid of the  power to forgive is devoid of the power to love’. I feel privileged to try and do my small part to change the lives of these men and support them. There is sadness but humour and love .

Jill Parker

Would you like to write a View from the Pews?

We welcome contributions for View from the Pews from anyone who would like to write one, It does not need to be on any particular subject. If you would like to write one please send it to or contact Henry Ibberson ( / 01902 701136).


We do not have a VIcar at the moment. For matters which would normally be dealt with by the Vicar the churchwardens are the first point of contact. The Vicarage phone (01902 700257) is redirected to the churchwardens. When they are not available a message can be left on the voicemail and they will return the call when they are available. Emails to will be received by the churchwardens.

Contact details for church officers can be found on the Contacts page of the church website. You can use if you are nore sure who to contact and the churchwardens will be able to forward it to the correct person.

Notices, which should be received by Friday evening for inclusion in that week’s ChadNet, and other communications in relation to ChadNet should be sent to Articles for the magazine should be sent to (note – this is different to the address used before November 2020 which no longer works).

Notices, which should be received by Friday evening for inclusion in that week’s ChadNet, and other communications in relation to ChadNet should be sent to

Articles for the magazine should be sent to (note – this is different to the address used before November 2020 which no longer works).

Sunday 21st August – Tenth Sunday after Trinity

At 10 am there will be a service of Holy Communion, led by Revd Sue Watson, in church.Coffee (and tea and biscuits) will be available after the service.

There is no Youth Service this month. It will resume in September on the 19th.

This week

The church will be open every day. Look out for the “church open” sign outside the porch.

Holiday Club takes place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at the Kingswood Trust. There are no places available as they are all booked.

On Tuesday and Thursday Prayers for Peace will be said in church at 6 pm. On other days of the week the church will remain open until at least 6.30 pm and there will be a sheet of prayers left in the Lady Chapel for people to use if they wish. If you would like to join the team of people who take turns to lead the Prayers for Peace please contact Mary Hayward ().

On Wednesday there will be a service of Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer, led by Revd James Makepeace, in church at 10.00 am which will be followed by tea, coffee and cake.

On Wednesday at 12 noon Who’s for Lunch? is held in the Village Hall.

On Thursday at 7 pm there is a wedding rehearsal in church.

Sunday 28th August – Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

At 10 am there will be aservice of Holy Communion, led by Revd Philip Wootton, in church. Coffee (and tea and biscuits) will be available after the service.

At 6.30 pm there will be a Service of Evensong, led by Iain Coleman, in church.

Saltmine Theatre Company presents The Liberator
Saturday 24th September – Christ Church, Tettenhall Wood

The Liberator

The Saltmine Trust is a Christian charity and theatre company which was established in 1994 in Dudley. It performs in theatres, churches and schools throughout the country and is currently performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. It is well known for being a highly accomplished, professional and entertaining company.

The company is performing its latest production The Liberator on Saturday 24th September at 7.30pm at Christ Church, Tettenhall Wood. Tickets are £10 each. This is a passionate retelling of the life and teaching of Jesus, told in a modern idiom.

We have arranged a Group Booking from St. Chad’s and if anyone would like to join us then please contact Philip Sims on 01902 700955 by Friday 2nd September.

More information about the production can be found at <>


Elaine Lavendar and Peter Nicholls prepare the rotas for sidespersons and readers, servers, intercessors, chalice assistants and coffee. They will be preparing the rota for the last three months of the year in the next few weeks. If you would like to leave or join one or more of the rotas please let them or the churchwardens know.

Magazine distributor needed

We are looking for someone to take over from the current distributor of the Parish News Magazine and the church Christmas and Easter cards on Nurton Hill Road. If this is something which you think you could do then please speak to Ken Scott.

From the Memorial Book

Those whose anniversaries occur between 14th and 28th August.

Robin John James – 15th August 2009
Alan Anthony Guest – 18th August 1995
Marion Darlington – 22nd August 1980
Alice Mary Bramall – 23rd August 1976
Tina Jandrell Poston – 23rd August 2011
Ethel May Haden – 24th August 1979
Joseph Caddick – 28th August 1979
Norah Patricia Chaplin – 28th August 2017

You can see all the pages of the Memorial Book on the Memorial Book Online page of the Church website.

Those entries which have been added recently are all included so there should now be up to date images of all pages.

Resources for worship and prayer at home

Some of resources which can be used at home are listed on the Resources Available Online and the Resources Available for Children, Young People and Families pages of the website.

For those who are unable to attend church there are still a number of services which are available online, including a weekly service on the Church of England website.

Giving to the church

Details of the various ways in which you can give can be found on the Giving page of the website.

We have a JustGiving page to enable people to make one off donations. It’s at You will be asked if you want to make a contribution on top of your donation. If you do it will go to JustGiving and not to charity. If you do not want to make such a contribution select “other”. If you are a taxpayer please consider gift aiding your donation.

You can make a bank transfer to our bank account (Account name: Pattingham Parochial Church Council – Sort Code: 20-97-78 Account No: 50655023).

If you are paying by cheque please make the cheque payable to “Pattingham PCC” or “Pattingham Parochial Church Council“.


This bulletin is sent to those who have requested it. We now have 111 subscribers but there may still  be some people who are not aware of it and would wish to receive it. The weekly bulletin for each Sunday will normally be sent on the preceding Friday or Saturday. Additional bulletins may be sent if required. It is only being sent to those who have requested it.

If you know of anyone who might be interested please tell them about it and ask them to sign up using the form on the website ( or by email to

St Chad’s Church, Pattingham with Patshull Registered charity no 1151604