ChadNet – no 43

ChadNet – no 43 – Sunday 17th January 2021

ChadNet - the eBulletin of St Chad's Church, Pattingham
        with Patshull

Welcome to this week’s edition of ChadNet – the eBulletin of St Chad’s Church, Pattingham with Patshull.

There will be no services in church for the time being but the church will remain open for private prayer and Worship on the Web will continue online.

View from the Pews

Geoffrey Dann

There are a number of rhythms to the year. The months of the year, the seasons, the farming cycle and the seasons of the church’s year are just a few of those.

Although Christmas Day now seems some time ago we are still in the Christmas season which lasts until Candlemas, 40 days after Christmas, marking the Presentation of Christ in the Temple. The stars on the church tower will continue to shine and the flag will continue to fly until then.

This week’s service is for Plough Sunday, which sits between Harvest Thanksgiving and Rogation Sunday. Rogation Sunday will be on 9th May this year and we can hope that things will be different by then.

The Kingfom Come

During this week’s Worship on the Web service Iain reads a poem by Malcolm Guite called “Daily Bread”. It is part of a series of sonnets which was used as part of the “Thy Kingdom Come” week of prayer leading up to Pentecost in 2016. Thy Kingdom Come is now a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost, which is from 13th to 23rd May this year.

“Daily Bread” by Malcolm Guite
Give us this day our daily bread we pray,
As though it came straight from the hand of God,
As though we held an empty plate each day,
And found it filled, by miracle, with food,
Although we know the ones who plough and sow,
Who pick and plant and package while we sleep
And send away to others all they reap.

We know that these unseen who meet our needs
Are all themselves the fingers of your hand,
As are the grain, the rain, the air, the land,
And, slighting these, we slight the hand that feeds.
What if we glimpsed you daily in their toil
And found and thanked and served you through them all?
(from Parable and Paradox: Sonnets on the sayings of Jesus and other poems by Malcolm Guite – Canterbury Press Norwich (2016))

We are also becoming familiar with the rhythm of the current pandemic. Whilst there are currently significant restrictions on all of our lives there is hope that the roll out of vaccinations will allow those to be relaxed – although probably not quickly. It is good that some of our villagers have now had at least one dose of the vaccine and some have had both.

Geoffrey Dann


Maureen can be contacted by phone, text or email. (01902 700257 – 07812 805371 – )

Contact details for other church officers can be found on the Contacts page of the church website. Communications in relation to ChadNet should be sent to

Sunday 17th January – 2nd Sunday of Epiphany

There will be no service in church. The Worship on the Web service is a service for Plough Sunday led by Maureen, with contributions from other members of the congregation, including two farmers. It will be on the Worship on the Web page of the website from 10.00 am. For those without internet access it will also be on the Dial a Service phone line (01902 906585) from 9 am – until then last Sunday’s service is on the phone line.

During January the bishops are providing sermons for parishes to use. This week’s preacher is Bishop Sarah, the Bishop of Shrewsbury. The sermon can be found on YouTube at

The collect and readings for the Eucharist, which would normally be on the pewsheet, are available on the website.

This week

During the week Maureen (or occasionally Ken) will stream Morning Prayer and Compline (Night Prayer) on Facebook Live. Morning Prayer will be at 8.30 am and Compline will be at 9.30 pm (there will be no Compline on Friday).

The church will be open for private prayer every day. The times may vary depending when the keyholders are able to open and close the church. Look out for the “church open” sign outside the porch. Please observe the instructions in the notice on the door, which include the need to wear a face covering, using hand sanitiser and not going into the church if someine else is already in there.There will be no service on Wednesday.

Sunday 24th January – 3rd Sunday of Epiphany and 7th day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

In the Worship on the Web service we will be exploring what Christian Unity means in the context of lockdown when we cannot physically meet with other Anglicans, let alone our Christian friends in other denominations! It will be available on the Worship on the Web page of the website from 10 am.

The collect and readings for the Eucharist, which would normally be on the pewsheet, are available on the website.

From the Memorial Book

Those whose anniversaries occur between 10th and 24th January.

Lisa Norman-Smallwood – 11th January 2001
Edward Albert Morgan – 11th January 2009
Kathleen Charlotte Gardener – 12th January 1981
Catherine Eugenie Warner – 12th January 2004
Cyril George Wheeler – 12th January 2012
Tony Douglas Warrilow – 13th January 2004
Cis Harris  – 14th January 1990
Mary Elizabeth Hughes – 15th January 1980
Horace Charles James – 15th January 1987
Kathleen Parker – 15th January 2005
Sheila Galbraith – 17th January 1987
Eileen Mary Rowley – 17th January 2005
Annie Guest – 18th January 1994
John Neville Hayward – 18th January 2009
Peter Victor Lingford – 19th January 2001
Raymond H Sampson – 20th January 1990
Mabel Pritchard – 20th January 2006
Jim Pritchard – 21st January 2004
Geoffrey Victor Giles – 21st January 2019

You can see all the pages of the Memorial Book on the Memorial Book Online page of the Church website.

For those without internet access – listen to a Pattingham church service by phone

Several members of our congregation who do not use the internet are using the dedicated phone number – 01902 906585 – to listen to our services. Calls are charged at normal rate. The service for each Sunday will be available from about 9 am and will continue to be available until it is replaced be the next week’s. If you know someone who might find it useful please let them know.

The Daily Hope phone line from the Church of England on 0800 804 8044 is also available.

Resources for worship and prayer at home

Some of resources which can be used at home are listed on the Resources Available Online and the Resources Available for Children, Young People and Families pages of the website.

In the absence of our own Sunday School we encourage children and families to look at the Virtual Sunday School YouTube channel. A new Sunday School video normally comes out each Saturday. This week’s is Adam & Eve – PLUS The Toddler Temptation Challenge!

They can all be found on the Sunday School on the Web page of our website as well as on YouTube.


This bulletin is sent to those who have requested it. We now have 90 subscribers but there may still  be some people who are not aware of it and would wish to receive it. If you know of anyone who might be interested please tell them about it and ask them to sign up using the form on the website ( or by email to

Giving to the church

In the current circumstances there will inevitably be a reduction in the money which the church receives. However we will need to continue to pay our bills and we would ask that those who can afford to do so should continue to give regularly. Details of the various ways in which you can give can be found on the Giving page of the website.

If you are paying by cheque please make the cheque payable to “Pattingham PCC” or “Pattingham Parochial Church Council“.

The weekly bulletin for each Sunday will normally be sent on the preceding Friday or Saturday. Additional bulletins may be sent if required. It is only being sent to those who have requested it. If you know of anyone who might be interested please tell them about it and ask them to sign up using the form on the website ( or by email to

St Chad’s Church, Pattingham with Patshull Registered charity no 1151604