How much does it cost to run St. Chad’s?
In 2018 the average weekly cost of running the church in Pattingham and Patshull was £2000.
How to give
Details about giving to St Chad’s can be found here.
Where does the money come from?
Specific funds are available for the cost of maintaining our church buildings through legacies and grants from local charities.
Fees in relation to the provision of special services such as weddings and funerals.
Fund raising from events such as the Fete and the Century Club Lottery.
Churches receive no state funding, so the rest of our money comes from the generous giving of the congregation and other benefactors.
How does the church spend its money?
Church running expenses – heating, lighting, cleaning, maintenance, purchase of equipment, insurance, training and administration.
Parish Share – this is the contribution that the church makes to the diocese of Lichfield to cover the costs of paying clergy in the parishes including stipends, pensions, housing and the training of new clergy.
Mission and Giving – the church tithes, i.e. gives away a tenth, of its income in donations to other charities and local organizations including St. Chad’s school. The Mission Partners are decided annually by the members of the Parochial Church Council and details are available here.
Are members of the congregation expected to give money?
Not at all – Jesus Christ never charged anyone to spend time with him and nothing has changed. Giving your time in prayer and support for others is just as generous as giving money, and people are always welcome to be part of our church.
How can I give to St. Chad’s?
If you are a tax-payer, we can claim 25% extra from the government if you Gift Aid your donation.
If you have a bank account, you can set up a standing order for a monthly or quarterly amount.
You can also give by regular direct debit through the Giving Direct scheme. More details about this scheme and the form for completion can be found in this leaflet. (If you are able to scan the form after completing it you can email it to instead of posting it).
More details about giving to St Chad’s can be found here.
Thanks for donations
In 2023 the PCC Chairman sent a card to regular donors (or at least those whose details he had) to thank them for thier donations. He also wrote an article for the April edition of the Parish News. You can read that here.
Fees for Weddings and Funerals
Fees are payable for weddings and funerals and related matters. Most of those fees are set by the Church of England nationally but some are set by the PCC. Details of the fees for 2025 are here and can also be downloaded from the links below.
How can I find out more?
Our annual accounts are included in the Annual Report, which can be found here.