Pattingham and Patshull Parish Magazine was first published in January 1869. Information about the early issues can be found on the Parish Magazine history page. It is now called Pattingham and Patshull Parish News and is published monthly. The annual cost for those delivered is £8 (£10 from 2025). It is also available in church at £1 per copy.
The editor, Mike Moss, is always keen to receive interesting articles and features. They can be sent to him by email at or left in the box at the back of the church. The latest date for him to receive copy for the following magazine is on the church calendar – it is normally sometime in the middle of the preceding month.
The magazine was revamped in 2017, with a colour cover and some colour inside. If you haven’t seen it lately have a look and take out a subscription.
During the coronavirus pandemic publication of the monthly Parish News was suspended after the April 2020 issue. Publication resumed with the August 2020 issue. Sue Riches’ Recipes for a Tasty May which would have appeared in the May 2020 magazine can be found here.
How to order your own copy of the Pattingham Parish News
It’s easy…
Just send an email to or call Jill or Martin Parker on 01902 700755 leaving your name, address, a contact number and your order request and they will arrange for a regular copy to be distributed right to your door by a group of volunteers covering most homes in the parish (if your home is not covered then it can be posted at additional charge, or you can arrange to collect your copy), all for the cost of just £10.00 for a year’s subscription. The subscription year ends in January, with renewal due at the February edition.
If you start a subscription during the subscription year you will have to pay the amount due up to the January edition at £1 per month.
The September 2017 magazine was distributed free of charge to all homes in the parish. It contained information about various things which were happening in September and later in the year – the Scarecrow Festival, a concert by Chad Singers, Flicks in the Sticks, Live and Local, a Fishing Competition, the monthly buffet lunch and the Drama Group’s production in November. There was also an article from the Vicar and Churchwardens about ways to improve the Lady Chapel. It also contained the regular features – the Vicar’s letter, the diary for the month, snippets from the PCC, news from the school as well as from our District Councillor.