Vicar’s page – August 2023

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‘Churchwardens’ Chat’

We are now in an interregnum following the retirement of the Vicar and so the monthly letter for the Parish News is written by the Churchwardens

Dorothy Steel
Clive Pendrell

August 2023

God is our shelter and strength, always ready in times of trouble
Psalm 46
(Wonderful words to think and pray about, thanks to Ken for signposting Psalm 46)

We have enjoyed a great few weeks singing songs from the shows and from favourite albums led by Alix Jones and Keith Eden.

The ’Shower Singers’ have met each Wednesday during July for ‘taster’ sessions before the ‘start-up’ in September!

Shower Singers return on Wednesday, September 6, 6pm to 7pm in church – come along, on your own or come as a family all ages welcome, no cost, just come for an hour of singing fun!

There are a few last-minute places left on our Holiday Club taking place on Monday, August 7 and Tuesday, August 8 with two fun-filled adventure days at The Kingswood Trust in Albrighton. Details are on page 4 of the magazine and on the church website here.

As part of our Scarecrow Festival in September there will be a brass band concert in church on the evening of Saturday, September 23. Tickets for this Sounds of Brass concert, £1 5 each, are limited and are now on sale. If you need a ticket or any further information, please telephone Alan Smith (07757 688518) or ask us or any member of the PCC.

The closing date for registering a scarecrow is August 20. If anyone wants more information, can offer to help, or want to make donations, please call Chrissie Ringrose on 700340.

There will be also be a barn dance held on the evening of Friday, September 22. This will be in the Village Hall and tickets, £8 each, are available now. Please contact Anna for more details on 07968 891927.

We are hoping 2023 will be a Scarecrow Festival with a record number of scarecrows, providing fun across the village for our whole community to enjoy!

We continue to offer Communion at home to anyone who cannot get out of the house. Please let us know if you would like a visit or know someone who would appreciate this contact.

Finally, join us at one of our services or please pray at home that we will continue to work together as we wait and pray for a new vicar.

If you have any concerns or questions about our search for a new vicar or about any of our events or any church matters do please get in touch.

Clive Pendrell and Dorothy Steel,