Vicar’s page – February 2024

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‘Churchwardens’ Chat’

We are now in an interregnum following the retirement of the Vicar and so the monthly letter for the Parish News is written by the Churchwardens

Dorothy Steel
Clive Pendrell

February 2024

Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me . . .
Daniel Iverson (An American Presbyterian Minister 1890 – 1977), written in 1926

These beautiful words urge each one of us to make one. our love and service to Our Lord.

What a challenge! But yes, I believe we are ‘up for it’!

Thanks to a tiny seed of an ideal from Jill Parker and Chrissie Ringrose there will be a light Lent Fellowship lunch served in church after service on February 18 to mark the first Sunday in Lent.

In addition, there will be Lent Lunches on March 6 and March 21, thanks to Sue Riches and Sue Stirk; more details will be available later. We hope you will join us to share this time together and support the Bishop’s Lent Appeal.

Please do get in touch if you or anyone known to you would like to receive Home Communion, we shall be pleased to arrange it.

As you will have heard we did not receive any applicants for interview for the post of vicar. What a disappointment but we are now arranging to have a meeting between the PCC and the Archdeacon and we shall there agree a plan to move forward.

We are truly thankful to all visiting clergy and to our own Readers, Ken Scott and Iain Coleman, all of whom have helped make sure our third Advent, Christmas and Epiphany without a vicar joyous celebrations of the coming and birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

We pray for people all over the world living in an environment of war and conflict, and continue our Tuesday evening Prayers for Peace.

During 2024 we shall live in hope, sharing our belief that through the joy of Christ’s coming, a better world shall emerge.

God Bless

Clive Pendrell and Dorothy Steel,