Vicar’s page – May 2019

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‘Maureen’s Musings’

The Vicar’s monthly letter for the Parish News

The Vicar

May 2019

Greetings for this loveliest of months (well that’s a personal opinion, anyway!).

May begins with the Feast of SS Philip and James – maybe not something at the forefront of your minds, but do spend a minute or two looking them up. Sometimes it is good to be reminded of the lesser known and celebrated disciples.

May is also an exciting month for me, because with ‘luck and a following wind’ I shall be off on my travels – part holiday and part official pilgrimage, travelling with a group from the Diocese and led by Bishop Michael, visiting Russia.

It is now over 40 years since I was last there – only then it was called the Soviet Union of course! And some of you may remember that my first career was as a Russian linguist working for the government – so I do hope they let me back again!

As I write I am waiting for confirmation of my visa, but all being well I shall be away from 10th to 20th May. In my absence, service cover will be provided by a curate from the Penkridge parish, who happens to live in Albrighton – the Revd Catherine Brumfit – and the Revd Henry Morris from Perton who has helped out on numerous occasions before. This does mean however that there will be NO 8am Service in Pattingham on 12th and 19th May.

Everything else should happen as normal however.

One of the events that will occur while I am away is the formal ‘swearing in’ of our new Churchwarden, Philip Morgan. God has provided, as always, and we are very grateful to Philip for stepping forward and allowing Iain Coleman to retire gracefully with our heartfelt thanks for all he has done in the past 6 years . . not that I think Iain will completely disappear from church matters: he is far too valuable to us for that!

While Philip has not served on our PCC previously, he has experience of being a churchwarden in the Worcester diocese, and he is a bellringer, so what higher recommendation could we have!?

If anyone would like to attend the Archdeacon’s visitation and support Philip and Gena, our two Wardens, the date will be 15th May at 7pm at St Paul’s Church, Pendeford. (The church is just behind the large Morrisons store there, which is the most convenient place to park)

Then on the first weekend after my return, on 26th May, it is Rogation Sunday. So that means no evening service in St Chad’s but the Rogation Walk from St Chad’s to St Mary’s, leaving at around 2pm and a service at St Mary’s at 4.30pm after suitable refreshment(!).

Rogation is that time of year when we ask for God’s blessing on the work of our farming community – but also when we ask him to bless all our human endeavours for the year ahead.

Every blessing


PS – the recent fire at Notre Dame in Paris brings home to us all our gratitude to our Wardens and to the Fabric Committee for the work they do and the care they take of our own medieval building on behalf of the whole community. Thank you!