
Marriages at St. Chad’s …

A church wedding is a special way to start married life. Discover what you want to know about weddings in St. Chad’s Church Pattingham.

Your Wedding at St Chad’s Church, Pattingham ?

We are pleased to welcome enquiries from couples who are considering having their Wedding Service here.

  • You may get married in this Church if one of you:
    • lives in the parish; or
    • is on the church’s electoral roll; or
    • has at any time lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months; or
    • has regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for a period of at least 6 months; or
    • was baptised in the parish; or
    • was prepared for confirmation in the parish
  • or one of your parents, at any time after they were born:
    • has lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months; or
    • has at any time regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for a period of at least 6 months
  • or one of your parents or grandparents:
    • was married in the parish.

If none of the above apply you may still marry in this church if you are granted a Special Licence.

It is important that everything goes well for you on the day, and I would be pleased to have an informal chat with you to discuss church availability, and to give you an idea of costs, which vary to suit your requirements i.e. do you have the Bells, Organ and choir etc?

Please contact me as early in the process as you can.

We are here to help you to enjoy the best day of your lives.

The Parish Map for St Chad’s Church, Pattingham can be found on the A Church Near You website here.

There is lots more information on the Church of England’s Your Church Wedding website.

Fees are payable for weddings. Most of those fees are set by the Church of England nationally but some are set by the PCC. Details of the fees for 2025 are here and can also be downloaded from the links below.

Floral decoration

Floral decorations for your wedding…

We have in place a Flowers Rota where flower decorations are placed regularly on the two altars and the Butler memorial. It normally can be arranged that these can be created in a particular colour scheme to suit your wedding plans.

(Flower decorations outside the church have to be organised separately.)

Bell Ringing
Ringing of the Church bells can be arranged after (and before) the Wedding ceremony.
There is a charge for this service.

It can be arranged for the Church Choir to accompany the Wedding Service. There is a charge for this service.


Video Recording Licence
In order to take video recordings of your wedding ceremony within the church, whether using a video camera, still camera with video, PDA or mobile phone, permission has to be granted and a licence purchased. Please contact the churchwardens for more details.