Who’s for Lunch?

Who’s for Lunch? returned on Wednesday 25th May 2022 at 12 noon

Please note:

  • in the Village Hall
  • New day
  • Every month on the fourth Wednesday of the month
  • Light refreshments only
  • All are welcome
  • Enquiries to Debbie and Philip Sims on 700955

Who’s for Lunch?

Popular lunch gatherings which were held in Pattingham Village Hall on the third Thursday of each month from 12.30 to 2.30 pm from 2017 until February 2020 after which they were suspended due to the covid-19 pandemic.

These lunches are aimed at those who might feel a little isolated or alone, no matter what their age.

In 2021 plans were being made as to how and when the gatherings could be restarted once restrictions were lifted but the existing team leaders would be standing down. There was an article in the April 2021 Parish News magazine which you can read here.

The lunch on Thursday 21st June 2018

We had a lovely lunch in June and there were 34 guests and 10 helpers . Anyone in the village who would like to join us would be most welcome. Lots of chat , good food and a glass of wine help to make this a popular event .

We had extra cause to celebrate as Doreen Legge was 88 on the actual day of our June lunch . We all enjoyed a piece of her chocolate birthday cake to help mark this very special milestone.

Please contact us if you would like to come along or why not just turn up on the third Thursday each month and give it a try!

You will be most welcome.

Lunch in June 2018
Lunch June 2018
Happy Birthday


Photography by Richard Buttress

The first lunch was on Thursday 18th May 2017

Who’s for lunch?

………well, around 20 folk were – on Thursday 18th May, and all had a great time.
“A wonderful occasion – lovely to see so many friends”
“What a wonderful idea – so much kindness”
“Delicious lunch and very entertaining”
“Excellent idea – may it continue to grow”
– just some of the comments they made.

Photography by Mike Coope

There are more photos here.