The Church’s Year
The Church’s year starts on Advent Sunday, which is either in the last few days of November or the first few days of December.
The Advent season leads up to Christmas Day, which is on 25th December.
The Christmas season continues through Epiphany to Candlemas, which is on 2nd February.
We then move into “ordinary time” until Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent.
The last week of Lent is Holy Week, the Friday of which is Good Friday, which is followed on the third day by Easter Day.
The season of Easter continues through Rogationtide and Ascension Day to the Feast of Pentecost. After Trinity Sunday we then return to “ordinary time” again until the lead in to Advent Sunday and the start of another year.
Seasonal Services
For these seasons special services are held.
Before Christmas we usually have a Carol Service and a Chrstingle service.
For Christmas Eve and Christmas Day the services are usually:
Christmas Eve
4.00 pm Blessing of the Crib
11.30 pm Sung Communion
Christmas Day
8.00 am Said Holy Communion (BCP)
10.00 am Sung Family Communion
On Ash Wednesday there is a service of communion with hymns at 7.30 pm.
Mothering Sunday is observed on the 4th Sunday of Lent with the usual Sunday services.
In Holy Week there are short services at 7.30 pm on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
The Thursday is Maundy Thursday – at 7.30 pm there is a service of communion with hymns and the stripping of the altar.
On Good Friday there is a service particularly for children at 10 am and a one hour service of devotion at 2 pm.
Easter Day is celebrated with the usual Sunday services.
Rogation Sunday and Ascension Day
Rogation Sunday is the fifth Sunday after Easter. There is usually a rogation walk in the afternoon followed by a service at Patshull.
The following Thursday is Ascension Day on which we have a service of Communion with hymns at 7.30 pm.
Patshull Patronal Festival
On a Sunday towards the beginning of September we hold an afternoon service at Patshull to mark its patronal festival.
Harvest Festival
Harvest Festival is celebrated on the last Sunday of September with the usual Sunday services.
Remembrance Sunday
The second Sunday in November is Remembrance Sunday when the main morning service is a Service of Remembrance which starts at 10.30 am.