We are no longer routinely providing Worship on the Web or streaming services online as we are encouraging those who can to attend worship in church. The last Worship on the Web service was the Youth Service for September 2021.
The Worship on the Web Service for Sunday 19th September 2021 was led by the Youth Group. It was shown as part of the service in church and is available below.
This service called “Who is the Greatest” is led by the Youth Group, who used to lead our worship in the evening of the second Sunday of the month before the pandemic intervened.
The music is provided from their own homes by members of the Youth Group and the church choir, under the direction of our Director of Music and Organist, Greg Lewin.
The previous services and other material which is on our YouTube channel is on the Previous Worship on the Web page.
The Vicar, Maureen Hobbs, and the Director of Music and Organist, Greg Lewin, explain the process involved in putting the recorded services – and the virtual choir – together on the How to build Worship on the Web page.