ChadNet – no 203

ChadNet – no 203 – Sunday 11th February 2024

ChadNet - the eBulletin of St Chad’s Church, Pattingham with Patshull

Welcome to this week’s edition of ChadNet – the eBulletin of St Chad’s Church, Pattingham with Patshull.

In this week’s ChadNet:

View from the Pews

Henry Ibberson

I didn’t know, but February 1st was the Feast of St Brigid of Kildare and it was a post from Maureen on Facebook, sent by a friend of hers, which alerted me to it.

I thought it might be appropriate to share with you all on ChadNet this weekend, adding the personal comment from Maureen that “I hope heaven is like this … with maybe some alternative tipples for those who don’t like beer!”

Henry Ibberson

1st February – Brigid, Abbess of Kildare, c.525

It’s the feast day of Brigid of Kildare (sometimes known as St Ffraid in Wales, and St Bride in England). Some say she never existed and was only the stuff of legends. Others claim she was a disciple of St Patrick, and a worker of miracles. But her famous poem-prayer conjures up a vision of heaven as a lovely party where people meet together in joy, peace and mercy, where women are especially welcome, and where people dance and sing, and drink from a Great Lake of beer.

Too often our institutions — including the church — slip into a picky and merciless selectivity over who is celebrated and who is kept on the margins. Too often we let managerialism overtake pastoral care and replace human relationship with computer technology (a merciless move if ever there was one).

On Brigid’s feast day, how about we pray her vision of heaven, and imagine the joy of a church built on outrageous welcome? How about gathering people from the parishes around, and giving “a special welcome to the women”?
Maybe—just maybe—we might get a step closer to church resembling heaven:

I’d like to give a great lake of ale to the King of Kings.
I’d like the family of heaven to be drinking it
throughout life and time.
I’d like the men of Heaven in my own house;
I’d like vessels of peace to be given to them.
I would wish joy to be in their drinking;
I would wish Jesus to be here among them.
I’d like the three Marys of great name;
I’d like the people of heaven from every side.
I’d like to be a rent-payer to the Prince;
Then if I was in trouble, He would give me a good blessing.
I’d like the angels of Heaven to be among us.
I’d like an abundance of peace.
I’d like full vessels of charity.
I’d like rich treasures of mercy.
I’d like cheerfulness to preside over all.

I would like a great lake of beer for the King of Kings.
I would like to be watching Heaven’s family drinking it through all eternity.
I’d like to give a lake of beer to God.
I’d love the Heavenly Host to be tippling there
For all eternity.
I’d love the men of Heaven to live with me,
To dance and sing.
If they wanted, I’d put at their disposal
Vats of suffering.
White cups of love I’d give them,
With a heart and a half;
Sweet pitchers of mercy I’d offer
To every man.
I’d make Heaven a cheerful spot,
Because the happy heart is true.
I’d make the men contented for their own sake:
I’d like Jesus to love me too.
I’d like the people of heaven to gather
From all the parishes around,
I’d give a special welcome to the women,
The three Marys of great renown.
I’d sit with the men, the women of God
There by the lake of beer
We’d be drinking good health forever
And every drop would be a p

Would you like to write a View from the Pews?

We welcome contributions for View from the Pews from anyone who would like to write one. It does not need to be on any particular subject. If you would like to write one please send it to or contact Henry Ibberson ( / 01902 701136).


We do not have a Vicar at the moment. For matters which would normally be dealt with by the Vicar the churchwardens are the first point of contact. The Vicarage phone (01902 700257) is redirected to the churchwardens. When they are not available a message can be left on the voicemail and they will return the call when they are available. Emails to will be received by the churchwardens.

Contact details for church officers can be found on the Contacts page of the church website. You can use if you are nore sure who to contact and the churchwardens will be able to forward it to the correct person.

Notices, which should be received by Friday evening for inclusion in that week’s ChadNet, and other communications in relation to ChadNet should be sent to

Articles for the magazine should be sent to (note – this is different to the address used before November 2020 which no longer works).

Sunday 11th February – Sunday before Lent (Quinquagesima)

At 10 am there will be aservice of Holy Communion, led by Revd Paul Brown, in church. Coffee, tea and biscuits will be available after the service. At 6.30 pm there will be a Service in the Iona style, led by Iain Coleman, in church.

In the Parish Prayer Diary we pray for:
Those who live and work in Snowden Road, Burnhill Green Road, Lower Snowden.

In the Trysull Deanery Prayer Diary we pray for:
St Bartholomew, Penn.

This week

The church will be open every day. Look out for the “church open” sign outside the porch.

Contractors are continuing work on various repairs and work to the church this week. There will be scaffolding and the contractors will be working in and around the church. The church and churchyard will remain open but please take care while using them. Access to the toilets will be kept unlocked.

On Monday at 12 noon the Funeral of Richard Stockall takes place in church.

Monday is the copy date for the March magazine. Send articles to Mike Moss at

On Tuesday Prayers for Peace will be said in church at 6 pm. Please do join us and if you would like more information or are willing to lead a session, please contact Mary Hayward ().

Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, which is the first day of Lent.

At 10.00 am there will be a service of Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer, led by Revd Paul Brown, in church which will be followed by tea, coffee and cake.

After the service the church will be open from 10.30 am until at least 11.00 am as a Place of Welcome when anyone who wants to will be welcome to share in the coffee, cake and chat, whether they have been to the service or not. Those attending will receive a warm welcome.

At 6 pm the Pattingham Shower Singers meet in church. All are welcome – just come and sing and have fun! If you need more information, contact Alix at .

At 7.30 pm there will be a service of Holy Communion, led by Revd Sue Watson, in church including imposition of ashes for those who wish.

On Thursday at 1.30 pm the Young Responders course supported by the church and run by St John Ambulance takes place in the Village Hall.

On Thursday at 2.00 pm the Forget-me-not Tea is held at St Andrew’s Church, Shifnal.  A warm welcome is guaranteed.

Sunday 18th February – First Sunday of Lent

At 10 am there will be a service led by the Youth Group in church.This will be followed by a short service of Holy Communion, led by Revd Sue Watson, to which you are all most welcome. Coffee, tea and biscuits will be available after the service.

At 12 noon the Lent Fellowship Lunch takes place in church.

In the Parish Prayer Diary we pray for:
Those who live and work in Great Moor Road, Nurton Brook, Nurton Bank, Warstone Hill Road, Hollies Lane.

In the Trysull Deanery Prayer Diary we pray for:
Deanery Synod.


Lent starts this week. 

On Ash Wednesday there are Communion services at 10.00 am and 7.30 pm.

There is a Lent Fellowship Lunch on Sunday 18th February in church at 12 noon.

Lent Lunches

Lent Lunches will be held on Wednesday 6th March and Thursday 21st March. There will be sign up sheets at the back of the church in due course.

Lent course

Act on Poverty

We are sharing in the Lent Course with Tettenhall Wood.

The Act on Poverty resources have been produced by Christian Aid, with other partners, to enable churches and individuals to gain a deeper understanding of poverty, local and global, and to offer inspiration for actions we can take to tackle poverty together.

Each session contains:
    • A short Bible study
    • Audio recordings of conversations featuring anti-poverty practitioners and activists, many with lived experience of poverty
    • Questions and prompts for small group discussion
    • Inspiring videos from churches taking practical action on poverty
    • A guide to simple steps your church can take to advocate for change

When and Where?
Monday Evenings, 7.30pm, St Chad’s, Pattingham (begins 19th February)
Thursday Mornings, 10.30am, Christ Church, Tettenhall Wood (begins 22nd February)

Also available online:
Wednesday afternoons, 3.00pm led by Bishop Sarah (from 14th February)
Thursday evenings: 7.00pm led by Bishop Matthew (from 15th February)
(Details of the online course can be found at <>)

Holy Week

There will be the usual services on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

  • Maundy Thursday (28th March)
    • 7.30 pm – Holy Communion and stripping of the altars
  • Good Friday (29th March)
    • 10.00 am – Building the Easter Garden – service for children and families
    • 2.00 pm – Good Friday devotional service

The Well – the Wolverhampton Food Bank

The Well continues to need our donations and prayers.

The box remains at the rear of the church for donations of food and toiletries and the wishing well for donations of cash.

Foreign coins can be a Well of love

If, over the years, you have travelled abroad, you may have a veritable treasure trove of random notes and coins from countries you’re not sure you ever  visited, or still exist (and even if the country does, the currency may not). These can be turned into spendable cash, including pre Euro notes and coins such as the French Franc, German Mark and Italian Lire.

You may have found you cannot exchange foreign coins and low denomination notes which means you’re left with worthless currency but they can be used for a good purpose.

So, if you have any of these, please put them into the wishing well at the back of the church (in a separate bag please) and they will go to help the needy in Wolverhampton.

Thank you for your support.

Dementia Friendly Church

Weekly Prayer

Becoming Dementia Friendly Church 2023-24

Dear Father God,
Enfold me in your loving care.
My life, my memories, my soul are yours.
Everlasting love protects and surrounds me,
Nurturing my soul as dementia reveals my innermost vulnerabilities.
Take all that I am, protect and guide me through this confusing journey.
Instil in me peace and trust in you to hold me safely in your loving arms as I grow closer to you.

(Lichfield  Diocese“Share a Prayer” Dementia 2023)

From the Memorial Book

Those whose anniversaries occur between 4th and 18th February.

Nigel Martin William Vaughan – 4th February 2000
Beville Bentley – 7th February 1999
David Stephen Patrick – 8th February 2008
Brian William Broxton – 8th February 2011
Keith William Bishop – 9th February 2022
James Christopher Maclean – 11th February 2009
Margaret Watton – 11th February 2020
Ida Annie Knight – 13th February 2002
Patrick Curtis – 14th February 1959
Harold Taylor – 14th February 1976
William Stanley Smith – 15th February 1966
Alfred Ernest Davis – 15th February 2004
Stanley Frederick Chaplin – 15th February 2016
Alan Sadler – 16th February 1998
Florence Irene Steele – 16th February 2003
Pauline Jones – 18th February 2011

You can see all the pages of the Memorial Book on the Memorial Book Online page of the Church website.

Giving to the church

Details of the various ways in which you can give can be found on the Giving page of the website.

We have a JustGiving page to enable people to make one off donations. It’s at You will be asked if you want to make a contribution on top of your donation. If you do it will go to JustGiving and not to charity. If you do not want to make such a contribution select “other”. If you are a taxpayer please consider gift aiding your donation.

You can make a bank transfer to our bank account (Account name: Pattingham Parochial Church Council – Sort Code: 20-97-78 Account No: 50655023).

If you are paying by cheque please make the cheque payable to “Pattingham PCC” or “Pattingham Parochial Church Council“.


This bulletin is sent to those who have requested it. We now have 129 subscribers but there may still  be some people who are not aware of it and would wish to receive it. The weekly bulletin for each Sunday will normally be sent on the preceding Friday or Saturday. Additional bulletins may be sent if required. It is only being sent to those who have requested it.

If you know of anyone who might be interested please tell them about it and ask them to sign up using the form on the website ( or by email to

St Chad’s Church, Pattingham with Patshull Registered charity no 1151604