
There are a number of policies which have been adopted by the PCC, which apply to various matters. Those relating to Safeguarding and to Data Protection can be found from the links below.

Data Protection

Privacy Notice – The notice required by GDPR which sets out how and why we process personal data

Data Protection Policy – This policy is mainly for those who handle personal data on behalf of the church and explains our responsibilities and how we will meet them.


Safeguarding Policy – This sets out our policy in relation to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults.

Health and Safety

The PCC adopted a new Health and Safety Policy in April 2024. This is an overarching policy which contains a general statement of policy and the general arrangements for managing health and safety and dealing with specific risks. That is underpinned by Specific policies and procedures for particular matters. The PCC Policy and the individual policies and procedures are available on the links below. The risk assessment which was carried out before those policies were approved is also available below.