PCC Snippets – May 2024 meeting

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Snippets from the PCC Meeting – 21st May 2024

The PCC meeting on 21st May was held in church and among the matters discussed were:

Families’ and children’s worker

Plans to employ a part-time worker to work with children and families are progressing.

The diocese has agreed a reduction in our Common Fund payment for this year which will help with the cost and we are hopeful of other financial support. We anticipate that the advertisement for the job will appear in the near future.

We are looking to appoint an inspiring and enthusiastic person to pioneer new work that will enable children and families to encounter the love of God and become part of our church as a more inclusive, all-age community of faith.

Christmas events

It has become apparent that the date arranged for the Wombourne Choral Society Christmas Concert would clash with the village Pantomime. We have not been able to find an alternative date and so have cancelled that concert and instead hope that we can host their summer concert in St Chad’s Church in July.

Instead of a Christmas Tree Festival we are hoping to hold an alternative event which would be as novel and attractive as the Christmas tree festival was when it was first held 17 years ago.

The Christingle Service will be held on December 15 and the Service of Nine Lessons and Carols is on December 22.

Old responders

Following the success of the Young Responders course in February in which 10 young people learnt first aid and other skills we are hoping to run something similar for the older generation.

Plans are being made for a bespoke session based upon age and mobility and we are hoping there will be a pilot session in August.

PCC members

The members of the PCC are:
Philip Sims (Chairman), Tony Ainsworth, Iain Coleman, Milly Colin-Stokes, Geoffrey Dann, Henry Ibberson, Clive Pendrell, Alan Smith, Dorothy Steel, Graham Tritton and Tracey Williams.