ChadNet – no 141

ChadNet – no 141 – Sunday 4th December 2022

ChadNet - the eBulletin of St Chad's Church, Pattingham
        with Patshull

Welcome to this week’s edition of ChadNet – the eBulletin of St Chad’s Church, Pattingham with Patshull.

In this week’s ChadNet:

View from the Pews

Barbara Tritton

“Hanky, keys, money, jam jar.”

This was the daily mantra my mother would say to my father as he got ready to leave the house each morning, for his job as a teacher.  I would have been about four years old at the time, and it was many years later when I questioned my mother.  I could understand the hanky, keys and money bit, but why a jam jar?

“Oh,” she explained, “We kept a few chickens in the garden, and your father would take a jam jar to school, where the kitchen staff would give him scraps to bring home for the chickens.”  So, after all those years, mystery solved!

Today as people get ready for work in the morning, I wonder what they would be sure to grab?  I guess it would be mobile phone, keys, credit card and maybe a tissue up their sleeve.   And the way things are going, in the future, maybe just a mobile phone, as we can now pay for shopping with it, and unlock appliances etc; even keys are becoming superfluous.

The pace of life is definitely speeding up; no more so than at this time of the year in the run up to Christmas.  Do you, like me, lie in bed in the morning, going over the list of things to do, deciding on priorities, and sometimes feeling quite anxious?  What is happening to us in 2022?

Why is the pace of life so manic?

With this in mind, I’d like to share with you, prayer I found, which, for me, puts things into perspective.

I got up early one morning and rushed right into the day.
I had so much to accomplish that I didn’t have time to pray.
Problems just tumbled about me, and heavier came each task.
“Why doesn’t God help me?” I wondered.
He answered, you didn’t ask,”

I wanted to see joy and beauty,
but the day toiled on, grey and bleak.
I wondered why God didn’t show me.
He said, “But you didn’t seek.

I tried to come into God’s presence.
I used all my keys at the lock.
God gently and lovingly chided,
“My child, you didn’t knock.”

I woke up early this morning and paused before enter the day.
I had so much to accomplish that i had to take time to pray.

There we have it: what is important today?  Together with Jesus, we can achieve it.  You won’t need a huge list, and you certainly won’t need a jam jar.

Barbara Tritton

Would you like to write a View from the Pews?

We welcome contributions for View from the Pews from anyone who would like to write one, It does not need to be on any particular subject. If you would like to write one please send it to or contact Henry Ibberson ( / 01902 701136).


We do not have a VIcar at the moment. For matters which would normally be dealt with by the Vicar the churchwardens are the first point of contact. The Vicarage phone (01902 700257) is redirected to the churchwardens. When they are not available a message can be left on the voicemail and they will return the call when they are available. Emails to will be received by the churchwardens.

Contact details for church officers can be found on the Contacts page of the church website. You can use if you are nore sure who to contact and the churchwardens will be able to forward it to the correct person.

Notices, which should be received by Friday evening for inclusion in that week’s ChadNet, and other communications in relation to ChadNet should be sent to Articles for the magazine should be sent to (note – this is different to the address used before November 2020 which no longer works).

Notices, which should be received by Friday evening for inclusion in that week’s ChadNet, and other communications in relation to ChadNet should be sent to

Articles for the magazine should be sent to (note – this is different to the address used before November 2020 which no longer works).

Sunday 4th December – Second Sunday of Advent

At 10 am there will be a Family Service in church, led by Sarah Yeomans, which will be followed by Holy Communion, led by Revd Henry Morris, for those who wish to stay. Coffee (and tea and biscuits) will be available after the service.

This week

The church will be open every day. Look out for the “church open” sign outside the porch.

Experince Christmas takes place on Monday and Tuesday. See below for more information.

On Tuesday Prayers for Peace will be said in church at 6 pm. From this week Prayers for Peace will take place at Tuesdays only during the winter months. Please do join us and if you would like more information or are willing to lead a session, please contact Mary Hayward ().

On Wednesday there will be a service of Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer, led by Revd James Makepeace, in church at 10.00 am which will be followed by tea, coffee and cake.
After the service the church will be open from 10.30 am until at least 11.30 am as a Place of Welcome when anyone who wants to will be welcome to share in the coffee, cake and chat, whether they have been to the service or not. The church heating will be on so those attending will be warm as well as receiving a warm welcome.

Sunday 11th December – Third Sunday of Advent

At 10 am there will be a service of Holy Communion, led by Revd James Makepeace, in church.Coffee (and tea and biscuits) will be available after the service.

At 4 pm the Christingle Service will be held in church. See below for more information.

There will be no service in the evening.

Experience Christmas

All pupils from St. Chad’s First School are being welcomed into church on 5th and 6th December accompanied by their teachers to ‘Experience Christmas’!

This involves them working in small groups, moving around to different parts of the church where they can share the Christmas story in a very different way. Church members will be working with the small groups and their teachers, allowing the children to experience key parts of the Christmas story, helping them understand the celebration of the wonderful gift of Christmas – the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Our service this year will be at 4pm on Sunday December 11th – all ages welcome!

As usual the collection goes to the Children’s Society and there are “Christingle Candles” on the font in church for those wishing to save loose change to bring to the service.  SOCIETY HOUSE BOXES can also be brought along to Christingle, or left with a sidesman at any December church service, or phone me to arrange collection.

Many thanks – looking forward to seeing many of you on the 11th.  Chrissie – 700340.

Century Club draw

The winners of the November Century Club draw were:

  • 1st Prize – £150
    • Graham Tritton – ball 84
  • 2nd Prize – £100
    • Sandra Bishop – ball 22
  • 3rd Prize – £50
    • Catherine Turley – ball 49

Congratulations to all of them.

Annual subscriptions are now due. Due to recent deaths and resignations there will be a number of vacancies from December. If you would like to join the Century Club at a cost of £60 per year or for any further information please contact Alan Smith on 07757 688518 or

Carols at the Dartmouth Arms

The popular Christmas Carol Singing at the Dartmouth Arms, Burnhill Green, will take place on Tuesday 13th December at 7,30 pm.

All are welcome. For more information contact Gena Richards.

Christmas Tree Festival

Christmas Tree Festival

The 2022 Christmas Tree Festival will take place from Friday 16th to Sunday 18th December.

It will be open from 12 noon to 7 pm on Friday, 10 am to 5 pm on Saturday and 11.30 am to 5 pm on Sunday.

‘It’s Christmas Time’ – a concert by the Brewood Singers – will be held on the Saturday at 7.30 pm. Tickets £10 each.

The trees

Those decorating the trees can do so from 4 pm to 9 pm on Wednesday 14th and from 10.30 am to 2 pm and from 4.30 pm to 9 pm on Thursday 15th. Tree decorations are to be cleared by 9pm on Monday 19th December.

Cleared trees will then be available for sale at a cost of £10 per tree; please register your interest in purchasing a tree by contacting Tony Ainsworth on 07748111816 or email

Stewards needed

Thank you to those who have agreed to act as stewards for the Christmas tree festival. We still need volunteers for the Saturday and Sunday so, if you can help, please add your name to list at the back of the church.

Any queries please call Alan Smith on 07757 688518.

Food Bank Donations for The Well

The box for donations for the Food Bank at The Well in Wolverhampton is at the back of the church. Details of the items wanted are on the table and can also be seen on the church website at <>.

Reverse Advent Calendar

The Reverse Advent Calendar lists items for each day. We are encouraged to donate those items to The Well. They can be put in the box at the back of the church or, if collection is required, please contact Alan Smith on 07757 688518.

The items listed for this week are:

  • 5th December –  tinned carrots
  • 6th December – UHT fruit juice
  • 7th December – tooth paste
  • 8th December – rice pudding
  • 9th December – tinned fruit
  • 10th December – stuffing mix
  • 11th December – toilet roll

For more information see <>

From the Memorial Book

Those whose anniversaries occur between 27th November and 11th December.

Alan Thomas Hastilow – 28th November 1975
Raymond Edward Perks – 30th November 1996
Edna Dorothy Wheeler – 30th November 2017
Harry Bramall – 1st December 1983
Olive Peever – 1st December 2004
Iris Bull  – 1st December 2009
Ethel Medlicott – 3rd December 1987
John Reynolds – 4th December 1985
Lorna Briscoe – 4th December 1994
Stanley William Thomas Jones – 4th December 2007
Harry Burton  – 5th December 1975
James Ellis – 5th December 2019
Julie Amanda Morgans – 6th December 2011
Mary Elizabeth Inett – 7th December 1996
Norman Alfred Bramall – 8th December 2021
Robert James Hayhurst – 9th December 1994
David John Jennings – 10th December 2012
Robert Lewis Pass – 10th December 2016
Alec Christopher Harley – 10th December 2016

You can see all the pages of the Memorial Book on the Memorial Book Online page of the Church website.

Resources for worship and prayer at home

Some of resources which can be used at home are listed on the Resources Available Online and the Resources Available for Children, Young People and Families pages of the website.

For those who are unable to attend church there are still a number of services which are available online, including a weekly service on the Church of England website.

Giving to the church

Details of the various ways in which you can give can be found on the Giving page of the website.

We have a JustGiving page to enable people to make one off donations. It’s at You will be asked if you want to make a contribution on top of your donation. If you do it will go to JustGiving and not to charity. If you do not want to make such a contribution select “other”. If you are a taxpayer please consider gift aiding your donation.

You can make a bank transfer to our bank account (Account name: Pattingham Parochial Church Council – Sort Code: 20-97-78 Account No: 50655023).

If you are paying by cheque please make the cheque payable to “Pattingham PCC” or “Pattingham Parochial Church Council“.


This bulletin is sent to those who have requested it. We now have 113 subscribers but there may still  be some people who are not aware of it and would wish to receive it. The weekly bulletin for each Sunday will normally be sent on the preceding Friday or Saturday. Additional bulletins may be sent if required. It is only being sent to those who have requested it.

If you know of anyone who might be interested please tell them about it and ask them to sign up using the form on the website ( or by email to

St Chad’s Church, Pattingham with Patshull Registered charity no 1151604