ChadNet – no 165

ChadNet – no 165 – Sunday 21st May 2023

ChadNet - the eBulletin of St Chad's Church, Pattingham
        with Patshull

Welcome to this week’s edition of ChadNet – the eBulletin of St Chad’s Church, Pattingham with Patshull.

In this week’s ChadNet:

View from the Pews

Gill Price

I was born in a small village – Hurst Hill, Sedgley. I attended St Mary’s Church School and was later married there!

I always wanted to travel and when I left college I went to Don Everall travel and met Pam Everall who arranged for me to work with her in accounts! She invited me to go to Cornwall and we set up the first holiday caravan site. They bought a fleet of coaches to take the people from all over the Midlands. I loved it! Every Saturday I would go and book all the families’ holidays.

I also was a member of WRVS. I helped at New Cross serving tea and biscuits and went round the wards with a trolley full of chocolates and drinks. The office was in Wolverhampton where we put together clothes, pots and pans and bed linen for the homeless and found them refuge.

I then moved to Pattingham. My husband and I built a house to be by our daughter. We played golf at Patshull Park. I became Secretary and my husband was made Captain. Now I am retired I play indoor bowls in Pattingham and crown green bowls in the summer.

I got involved with St Chad’s where I met John Daimond, the Vicar. I was confirmed, helped him at the altar and a crowd of us went to Israel. It was amazing when sailing on Galilee and sitting in the Garden of Gethsemene. John then arranged for me to volunteer at Compton Hospice. I am now on my 16th year. I love helping to raise funds for the hospice.

St Chad’s is a lovely church. I take communion and always feel my anxiety goes away for a while.

My prayers are long for our village and families and for a new Vicar soon to be found.

God bless

Gillian Price

Would you like to write a View from the Pews?

We welcome contributions for View from the Pews from anyone who would like to write one, It does not need to be on any particular subject. If you would like to write one please send it to or contact Henry Ibberson ( / 01902 701136).


We do not have a VIcar at the moment. For matters which would normally be dealt with by the Vicar the churchwardens are the first point of contact. The Vicarage phone (01902 700257) is redirected to the churchwardens. When they are not available a message can be left on the voicemail and they will return the call when they are available. Emails to will be received by the churchwardens.

Contact details for church officers can be found on the Contacts page of the church website. You can use if you are nore sure who to contact and the churchwardens will be able to forward it to the correct person.

Notices, which should be received by Friday evening for inclusion in that week’s ChadNet, and other communications in relation to ChadNet should be sent to

Articles for the magazine should be sent to (note – this is different to the address used before November 2020 which no longer works).

Sunday 21st May – The Seventh Sunday of Easter – Sunday after Ascension Day

At 10 am there will be a service led by the Youth Group in church. This will be followed by a short service of Holy Communion, led by Revd Simon Iredale, to which you are all most welcome. Coffee, tea and biscuits will be available after the service. The fifth Confirmation Class will be held after the service.

At 11.30 am the Annual Church Meeting takes place in church. See below for more information. There are a number of vacancies for members of the PCC. Please consider whether you can support the church by joining the PCC. There is information about PCC membership on the church website at <>.

At 2.00 pm the Baptism of Sebastian Akers takes place in church.

In the Parish Prayer Diary we pray for: Village organisations.

In the Trysull Deanery Prayer Diary we pray for: The Venerable Bede, Wombourne.

This week

The church will be open every day. Look out for the “church open” sign outside the porch.

Bellringing practice takes place on Monday at 7.45 pm. Anyone interested in finding out about ringing should contact Geoffrey Dann or any of the ringers.

On Tuesday Prayers for Peace will be said in church at 6 pm. Prayers for Peace now takes place on Tuesdays only during the winter months. Please do join us and if you would like more information or are willing to lead a session, please contact Mary Hayward ().

On Wednesday at 10.00 am there will be a service of Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer, led by Revd James Makepeace, in church which will be followed by tea, coffee and cake.

After the service the church will be open from 10.30 am until at least 11.00 am as a Place of Welcome when anyone who wants to will be welcome to share in the coffee, cake and chat, whether they have been to the service or not. The church heating will be on so those attending will be warm as well as receiving a warm welcome.

On Wednesday at 12 noon Who’s for Lunch? is held in the Village Hall.

At 7 pm on Wednesday Choir Practice takes place in church. Anyone interested in joining the choir should contact Greg Lewin or any member of the choir.

Sunday 28th May – Pentecost (Whit Sunday)

At 10 am there will be aservice of Holy Communion, led by Revd Paul Brown, in church. Coffee, tea and biscuits will be available after the service.

At 2.00 pm the Baptism of Eden Thomas takes place in church.

At 6.30 pm there will be a Service of Evensong, led by Ken Scott, in church.

In the Parish Prayer Diary we pray for those who live or work in:
Dartmouth Avenue, Marlbrook Lane. Chesterton Road, West End Gardens, Copley Lane.

In the Trysull Deanery Prayer Diary we pray for: Christ the King, Aldersley.

Annual Church Meeting

The Annual Church Meeting will be held in church at 11.30 am on Sunday 21st May (after the 10 o’clock service).

At that meeting there will be various reports on the activities of the church as well as presentation of the Annual Report and Accounts for 2022. The churchwardens, three representatives to the Deanery Synod and up to ten members of the PCC will be elected. Nomination forms for Churchwardens, Deanery Synod Representatives and Elected PCC Members are on the church website and at the back of the church. The Annual Report and Financial Statements and the agenda, minutes of last year’s meetings and other reports are available on the church website (at and at the back of the church.

The revision of the Church Electoral Roll has been completed. The revised roll can be checked on the church door.


The PCC wishes to ensure that there is a record of who has which keys to the church and to the various locks in the church. If you have any key to the church or to anything in the church would you please let Gena or either of the Churchwardens know which keys you have. We are not trying to take keys away from those who have them but do need to know who has which keys.

Gardener for the Vicarage

Gardener required for the Vicarage, 20 Dartmouth Avenue, Pattingham WV6 7DP.

Duties include mowing lawns, trimming trees and bushes, weeding, and putting out wheelie bins. Two hours per week until November.

Please email or contact 01902 700257 and leave voicemail with your phone number and your hourly rate if you are interested.

Closing date 1st June 2023.

Century Club

Would you like a monthly chance to win £150 for £60 a year and help the church as well? If so join the Century Club. There are three prizes each month – £150, £100 and £50 – and a maximum of 100 members. All profits go to church funds.

There are currently 13 vacancies for the Century Club. For more details, please contact Alan Smith on 07757 688518 or or see the website at <>

To be included in this month’s draw, which is next Monday, the subscription (£35 for the remainder of the year to November) needs to be paid by Sunday 28th May.

Donations for The Well

The need for the Food Bank continues and the box for donations for the Food Bank at The Well in Wolverhampton continues to be at the back of the church. The wishing well is also at the back of the church if you have any spare loose change. Donations, however small, go towards running costs. Don’t be shy, every little helps!

From the Memorial Book

Those whose anniversaries occur between 14th and 28th May.

Violet Hughes – 14th May 1977
Edna Mary Beagle – 14th May 1999
Edwin Harold Woodroffe – 14th May 2013
George Albert Elliott – 17th May 1996
Catherine Isabel Harrison – 17th May 2010
Ernest Parton – 18th May 2020
Joyce Beatrice Henshaw – 18th May 2022
Bert Nicholls – 20th May 1996
Barrie James Gatt – 21st May 1997
Sylvia Gwenythe Giles – 21st May 2020
Olive Dora Williams – 22nd May 1982
Kathleen Mary Russell – 22nd May 2003
Peter Wood – 22nd May 2016
George Weaver – 23rd May 1959
Ronald James Smedley – 23rd May 1987
Dorothy Louisa Newill – 24th May 2011
Alice Mary Bolland – 27th May 2003
Jordan Katherine Taylor – 28th May 1997
Brian Harry Cooper – 28th May 2017

You can see all the pages of the Memorial Book on the Memorial Book Online page of the Church website.

Giving to the church

Details of the various ways in which you can give can be found on the Giving page of the website.

We have a JustGiving page to enable people to make one off donations. It’s at You will be asked if you want to make a contribution on top of your donation. If you do it will go to JustGiving and not to charity. If you do not want to make such a contribution select “other”. If you are a taxpayer please consider gift aiding your donation.

You can make a bank transfer to our bank account (Account name: Pattingham Parochial Church Council – Sort Code: 20-97-78 Account No: 50655023).

If you are paying by cheque please make the cheque payable to “Pattingham PCC” or “Pattingham Parochial Church Council“.


This bulletin is sent to those who have requested it. We now have 117 subscribers but there may still  be some people who are not aware of it and would wish to receive it. The weekly bulletin for each Sunday will normally be sent on the preceding Friday or Saturday. Additional bulletins may be sent if required. It is only being sent to those who have requested it.

If you know of anyone who might be interested please tell them about it and ask them to sign up using the form on the website ( or by email to

St Chad’s Church, Pattingham with Patshull Registered charity no 1151604